Sunday, August 22, 2010
So, in conclusion of the trip…and now that I’ve had a few days to digest the whole thing….
When I first heard about this organization and read up on what they’re all about (if you don’t know by now, I went through a Mission group called “Adventures In Missions” (AIM)… ) …I was first turned off. I read certain ‘buzz’ words which didn’t “mesh” with the type of help that I wanted to offer. I read about Evangelizing and giving Testimonials, etc. I said “NO” faster than I could say anything. Yes, a complete knee-jerk reaction. You likely may figure this out by now, but I come to these situations in a very humbled way….Humbled that my brand of help might not be the ‘right’ type of help….humbled that my belief and faith could very well be wrong….but recognize that this is what strong faith can admit, and still be faithful. So, my first impression was “no way in Haiti, am I going to go to people that are malnutrition, neglected, homeless and oppressed…and start preaching to them about how great life is on the high-horse that I live on”. Then a little voice spoke to me….Some call it your “conscience” some call it “intuition”…I still don’t give myself enough credit to think it came from me….So I believe that God spoke to me while I was having my knee-jerk dismissal of this group, AIM, whom I had only just heard about. And the little voice basically said: “just do it! Get out of your comfort zone…stop looking for the million excuses to NOT do it, and…just. Do. It. Who knows, it could make you a better Christian”. I swear to you…that exact message came to my head. And, while sitting on the bed with my wife & looking at their website on the laptop – I said “let’s do it” and began to fill out the application. Moral of the story, I guess: how many times do we find ourselves criticizing things that we’ve never done or shoes that we’ve never walked in? And how many times do we discourage ourselves with the billion reasons *not* to do something? You can tell me that you want to help an old lady cross the road and I can tell you a million reasons why you shouldn’t (you could get hit!...she’s going to make you late in your schedule…what if she has a sickness?...maybe she’s a ninja disguised as an old lady and will rob you!, ok, I threw the last one in to make sure you’re still awake!). But you see my point? We are so programmed to discourage action with the billion reasons NOT to do something…..but that’s easy….everyone can do that. Challenge yourself to sift through the billion “discouragements” and find the seldom seen “encouragements”. Don’t be lazy here….you will find that your life can be richer this way.
So, onto the ‘Mission’. I decided to do it. I knew, going in, that I would probably be in situations that made me a bit uncomfortable or that I was at odds with. But I was determined to not allow them to be a factor in exploring this experience. …and let me tell you: I’M GLAD I DID IT! Just like many places that I’ve been plugged in with (Uganda, Nepal, Eritrea/Ethiopia) – there is still so much to be done in Haiti. I’m hoping some good can come of the upcoming elections and they can start taking some wider action on some of the issues plaguing the area. Massive rubble pick up and a consistent waste-management systems are the biggest immediate needs right now, as far as I can see. I remember asking one of our translators, Carl, of the possibilities of a Recycling center (as we were picking up trash in the neighborhood…it’s amazing how much plastic and metal cans we picked up) and his response was “you and I should start one!” ….lol, I LOVE that attitude! Yes we should, Carl, yes we should. And who knows…perhaps we will. I think if there was a consistent waste management system from the government, people won’t be tossing their trash in the rivers, which was so depressing to see. Also, if there was a solid recycling center that perhaps offered a refund for recycling drop-offs, based on weight, we’d likely set up a wide spread grass roots efforts of Haitians recycling for extra change, and thus blasting the area with a huge cleanup effort (not sure the pigs and goats would be so happy about this effort. Lol)
The people of Haiti were incredible! Perhaps it’s because we were in Carrefour – but all the hype about crime in Haiti has been a little over-sold. There wasn’t a moment that we saw any acts of crime or ever felt unsafe or in need to watch our bags/cameras/etc that were laying out and unattended at many times. The people and their families were always welcoming and courteous…the hospitality shown across the board was incredible. The children were always so curious and honest…just as all children are…but moreso, perhaps because of their circumstances, they were so much more mature and advanced it seemed.
I left Haiti wanting to come home, scoop up my family and go right back. They gave me a new perspective on the work that needs to be done around the world. I want to be able to work with Haitians and incorporate them into the ever-growing worldwide network that I’m assembling to bridge the gaps on world problems and promote progress from the ground level. Did I leave the trip completely changed? Well perhaps not…I was still at odds with certain practices of Mission groups, but it certainly forced me to put down the broad brush and not be so jaded when I think about them working the ways that they work – as it is just as necessary and valuable as the work that I’d like to be a part of and take lead of.
So, I don’t come back with some Divine message for you – or with some smug sense of accomplishment. However, I come back to you with another reminder of how humble we must be and how our problems of bills and debt and traffic are not comparables to people who wake up working to eat for the day – or to pick up a pick-axe and continue cracking away at the endless pile of rubble that used to be ‘home’. It further humbled me that: here are people with so much less than me…so many more reasons to be angry with God or fed-up with faith…and instead they are more spiritually rich than I can dream to become. If that doesn’t speak volumes that I don’t know what does.
Moving forward, I hope to stay in touch with Michael (who had hosted us in his house), Pastor Jean-Philip (who’s church was our home away from home), and Son Of God orphanage so that I can possibly coordinate a trip with them for my wife to share in the experience early 2011. Then, I’m hoping to be able to collaborate with people (perhaps Carl, even!) to start some grass-roots solutions, starting in Carrefour, to help things progress forward.
I look forward to what the future holds! :o)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Friday Evening...
Awoke this morning at 5am to watch the sun rise and the town awake, again. It is great to see a 40 minute span of darkness-to-light and quiet to all different noises of the town at work. Just read the following quote:

Thursday, August 19, 2010
One more thing, Thursday...
Also, quickly: One of our translators, Carl, just had a baby 1 week ago. Because he doesn't live nearby we can only hear of his wide and baby. So I asked if he had any pictures to which he responded that he simply doesn't make enough to afford taking pictures. So (brace youtself Bini, whom lent me his camera - lol) I let him take the camera home with him tonight and he will return tomorrow with pictures of his family. Hope he's able to work it and care for it well. We will see tomorrow.
Thursday afternoon...

Started out the morning right...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wednesday evening...
Wednesday afternoon...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
After lunch..
Awoke this morning to the sun rising and the street vendors setting up their day's sales. The occasional goat or child playing also filled the noise. It was a decent nights sleep that actually got cool at night. Felt refreshed this morning. While everyone continued to sleep in their tents, a couple of us early-birds sat out on the roof top to take in the scenery of incredible mountain view and remarkable human endurance. All people, old and young..male and female, were starting their days as they always do. I sat for 1 1/12 hours taking in the beauty that is this "simpler" life. The heat is no problem for me, as I am no stranger to sweating it out in humidity. The sleeping quarters don't bother me as I can fall asleep just about anywhere. And the atmosphere of "poverty stricken nation" doesn't bother me, as this is where I am most drawn to. These people live way below the 'poverty level' as far as the US lifestyle is considered. Even a homeless man in the US could not imagine this level of poverty.
Monday, August 16, 2010
First night in Carrefour, Haiti
On Flight to PAP
And so my trip begins
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
- plastic mattress covers. (We are working with an orphanage and they greatly need these. We would really like the ones that zip around the entire mattress. We have twin size mattresses.)
- Coloring books
- crayons
- markers
- construction paper
- white paper
- glue sticks
- small crafts projects
- Popsicle sticks
- tape
- small hard candy
- beach balls
- dominoes
- ABC flash cards or picture flash cards
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
25 days & counting!
A little over 3 weeks to go until my trip! I’m very excited!! Leading up to the trip, I’m anxious to help people who have mountainous struggles that make mine look like mole hills.
I’m anxious to:
Learn from Haitians, more than teach.
Listen to Haitians, more than speak.
And be blessed with Haitians, more than preach.
I am anxious to be there strictly as a servant and a sponge. To serve whatever needs that I am called to do - and to absorb as many possible lessons that the people of Haiti and the atmosphere shows me.
There is still much to be done! Will be trying to gather my packing over this next week and a half and I’m going to need your help in filling some gaps. Take a look around your house this weekend and let me know if you have any of the following items that you can either donate and/or lend. Some are big items…some are small….but all are needed…whether you’re able to donate/lend 1 or multiple items on this list – or even make a contribution for the purchase of 1 or more of these items, I would be forever grateful!
- tent (donated by Lul! Thank you SO MUCH!!)
- sleeping pad
- light weight rain jacket (already pledged by Andrew! THANK YOU!!)
- bucket-hat (purchased)
- sandles (chacos, tevas, or keens) (I am a size 9 1/2- 10)
- daily pants (zipoffs into capris, dry quickly & breathable) (size 32/32)
- camera (small/portable, digital, decent quality) to borrow
- battery operated fan
- earplugs
- small first aid kit
- soccer ball (2 donated from Steve P.!! Thanks Man!!)
- gatorade powder
- box of instant oatmeal
- granola bars
- protein bars
- box of tea bags
- sunglasses
- insect repellent (purchased)
- head lamp
- pocket knife/multi-tool (purchased)
- bandages
- gauze
- medical tape
- anti-itching cream/spray
- kids books/supplies for donation (light in weight)
- iodine caplets (purify water...PUR is a brand)
- extra zip-lock bags (purchased)
- roman noodles (purchased)
- ensure
- talcum powder
- nasal spray
I hope this message finds all of you well and in good spirits! As this trip nears closer, I will keep the list updated and will keep you guys posted on any changes or things of note!
Thanks SO much guys!
God Bless!! :- )
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
34 more days!
We are almost to the goal for funds!
$115 away!
Will you help be one of the people to put us at our goal??
Please contribute today and take part in this trip…we are SO CLOSE!
Also, with the trip about 1 month away, I want to start thinking of something additional that I can pack to bring with me on the trip. A few things I’ve been thinking about:
Beach Balls (light, small, and easy to inflate once there)
Soccer Ball (probably 1 or 2 at most)
Frisbees (again: light, small)
Coloring books/light books & kids supplies (I wanted to bring a bunch of books, but they will weigh down the luggage which won’t be good)
PUR water purification packets (need to find where these are sold, but would love to try to bring a TON of them to hand out in rural areas)
Other thoughts? I’m open to ideas!!
Also – have any of these items that you can donate? Perhaps want to volunteer to be a sponsor of 1 of these items? – As I’ve said from the beginning, I will be there as an extension through you. Any way in which you can contribute to this trip will help, whether it be monetarily, prayer, or even donating towards a group of items above, makes me simply an extension of your work while I am there!
Lastly: as I gather my packing list for the trip – there are some standout items that I don’t currently own. If you happen to have any of the items that you would like to lend (and I will return when I get back), please contact me! :
Tent (2-person. Free standing. Rain-fly)
Sleeping Pad (Haiti is very rocky)
Battery Operated Fan
Battery Operated Head Lamp
Pocket knife/multi-tool
Small first aid kit
So, there you have it! ---3 SOLID ways to participate in this effort:
**$115 away from financial goal
****Donation of items to bring along to Haiti children
******Lending of items needed for the trip
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Ok, first off – after doing some fund raising and a lot of ‘mulling’ over how much money I had to raise for such a short trip to such a low-economic place – I started to search around for other groups. I even considered flying there and going alone to just jump in with any camp or orphanage there and start volunteering. I figured: I know a couple people from Haiti, they likely have distant family there that would be happy to take me in for a week. But no one I shared this with thought it was a good idea, most notably: the wife. :- )
To me, I didn’t see the danger that others saw in it…I saw more opportunity for adventure, freedom to help as many people as I could with as many variety of organizations instead of being tied to 1 group and 1 mission. Needless to say, wifey won that debate and I started searching for other groups that were perhaps of lower costs & let me manage my own flight. Then, WA-LA!, I found Adventures In Missions (! They were significantly lower in cost & aloud for me to manage my own flight details/expenses. So, I have now officially changed organizations that I will be attending with and my dates have slightly changed as well. Here are the new details:
Dates: 8/16 – 8/21
Group: Adventure In Missions – Adults
Cost: $440 (not including flight)
We will be staying at the base location, located in Fon Tamara (approximately 45 minutes from the PAP airport). The $440 will include food, lodging, transportation, leadership, etc while in Haiti. The price does not include airfare to/from the US. Teams will be tenting in the yard of a secure location (secured by locked gate, cement walls, barbed wire). As you can see, this is a much more rustic trip that will maintain the similar focus as the previous group I was going to attend with.
What I am excited about is that: I was able to locate a much more frugal and affordable trip that will insure that every one of your donated dollars in spent responsibly & not just 1 blank check for me to have a comfy week in Haiti. In fact, I was determined to cut the budget to the absolute minimum, by way of cutting away my personal comforts and conveniences as much as absolutely possible. In my opinion, it is the least that I can do to show respect for the confidence each of you have instilled in me with your donations!
Oh…but there is even MORE good news!!!::::
Now, with the freedom to shop & negotiate my own airfare – I diligently sought people with frequent flyer miles that could be donated to offset costs. Along came my old friend and roommate Frank Paterno, and my Uncle Pib (Gilbert). They both offered to donate frequent flyer miles to cover the trip. Problem arose that with the limited airlines and times that I needed to arrive/depart – Frank’s weren’t available to me. Pib’s, however, were available to the extent of cutting the ticket cost in half (from $665 to $340). Immediately, Frank made a pledge to cover $200 of the difference. With that pledge – we booked the ticket and I will be fundraising to make up the additional $140 for the flight. Without a bit of hesitation, these 2 old roomies of mine helped me erase the largest expense of this trip! And for that, I am forever grateful for them!
So, in case it is lost on you (due to my rambling on. lol) how far we’ve come – we’ve gone from needing $2,000 total, to needing just $580! If that isn’t the true spirit of Non-Profit mentality - of using all resources possible to reduce overhead – I don’t know what is!!! :-)
Ok….so, I got you excited right?! Well, good – because we’re still not done! :-) – I have roughly $345 of the $580 raised. Will you join the list of contributors and become a part of this effort by donating today? There is NO amount that is too small! We are almost there guys! Become a participant in this effort today!
I hope this message finds you all well and in good health. Lets continue to keep the people of Haiti (and all people around the world struggling, for that matter) in our thoughts & prayers. There is so much to be done!
I’ll end with a quote that I read today and it stuck with me: "When will we stop saying 'what can you do' and start saying 'what can I do'?"
God Bless!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Fundraising deadlines
Big "Thank you!" to my friend Jeff Plachta who has, so far, been my largest donor @ $100.
I've gotten about 25% of my total goal raised - but really need to pick it up in order to meet my deadlines which are fastly approaching! Please continue to spread the word to your network and even, perhaps help in taking up a collection from your friends/family/coworkers/church/etc to help take the personal burden off of your pocket books.
I really want to make this trip and be able to personally help those in need, but I can't do it with out your help and continued support! please take the next 5 minutes to 'share' this with others & personally appeal to someone for a contribution.
Will keep you guys posted!
God Bless! ;-)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
fundraising update
Please continue to help me spread the word about this trip...even perhaps taking up a collection. Anything and *everything* would be so very helpful!
More updates to follow! Considering some fundraising ideas...if you have some good ideas, please let me know!
Thanks again! Talk to you soon! :)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Please Help Send Sean to Haiti
Today in Haiti, the number of deaths is estimated to be more than 222,500 people and the number of injured at almost 300,600 people. In addition, as many as 1.2 million people have been displaced from their homes and communities. Approximately 600,000 people are living in settlements – makeshift communities with minimal privacy or facilities.
I am appealing to you to help me fund this trip with anything you can possibly give. My ‘funds’ goal for the total trip is $2,000, by May 1, 2010.

My hope is that you can find it in your heart to contribute even the smallest amounts to my trip and be able to have confidence that it is going towards a physical presence in Haiti to help those in need DIRECTLY. I will do my best to document the entire journey so that you can have something tangible and direct to show for what your contribution provided (
Thank you & God Bless!
-Sean Coleman
“If I look at the masses, I will never act. If I look at one, I will”