--Wait...let me rewind, again...
This morning we went back to the orphanage and was overwhelmed even more that the previous day there. I'm really not sure if I can put the moments into words. We spent about 3-4 hours with the children in such priceless moments. Games and skits were played and I bonded with some of the sweetest children that were so thirsty for affection. 3 boys named Peterson, Evanson & Gustave around the ages of 12 were closest with me. They stayed by my side an interacted the entire time.

I pulled out my notebook and all the kids were coming to write their names. I was also giving them mathematics lessons.
Gustave did me the great honor of giving me his picture which looks of wallet sized school picture.
These kids...I swear to you...there are no words to express. There was also a 4 year old that was pants-less and completely smitten by me. As I sat, he stood between my knees just as my daughters do. He would turn and smile up at me with the largest smile that he could make and his soft eyes....just like my girls. I piled every ounce of my emotions from missing my wife and children and hugged and kissed these children tightly to fill their void and my own. We were a bonded family and I had even taught them the "goooooo TEAM!" cheer that my girls and I do all the time (like a little league baseball team would do by putting all hands in the center of a circle). I wished that they could have been there to be sisters to these children and partake in the affection. If I never spent another day outside of an orphanage with my family, I would never want for anything.
During our time, the children were aloud to take pictures with the camera freely which probably produced better pictures than I could. This was clearly where I belonged. Where I belong.
some of their drawings/writings:

Later in the evening we came to eat super (goat..mmmmmmm). I spent more time with Defronzy...we played more soccer, played with the camera a bit and worked more on his math. A neighbor girl named Esther came by and we talked more with her. She, Defranzy, me and a girl named Chris-Love all sat at the top of the stairs and drew stick-men of ourselves and our siblings. Then I drew stick figures to represent my wife & 3 daughters to tell about them.

I went to get my phone and showed them pics of my 3 girls and wife. Then remembered that I have video of the 3 girls. The kids were amazed and loved the videos. They paid special attention to their long hair. One last thing: when Esther first made it over to the house, she re-introduced herself then said "Elizabeth and...and...Christina". It caught me off gaurd as I had forgotten that I had shared this info with her yesterday - and she had remembered. Nothing crazy, but it brought a smile to my face to hear her recite that out of the blue.
A storm is blasting through now and it's dark, dark out. I'm sitting on the chair on the front patio with a flashlight. Oh, how I long to be back at that orphanage. I can't communicate the incredibly deep deep pull that I have to this place. It is breaking my heart right now just thinking of them and knowing we won't be returning. I need to commit with Yordanos when I get back to the US, to both make a commitment to come to THIS orphanage and go to more. I need for her to see & feel this...and meet these wonderful children. I need to share this with my family. I want to come specifically for this orphanage...perhaps not a mission trip next time...but full time with the orphanage. I need my family to share in this incredibly important experience. I will find a way to get in touch with this orphanage directly to coordinate a trip. For coordinating goods and resources, I will only feel comfortable having a third party coordinate it here in Haiti as there are some concerns that the current resources are being abused (clothes, meds, etc) and not all are getting to these children.
This is a commitment that I must fulfill.
GREAT STORY!!! I've been there twice now and going back in Nov and Jan.. Last trip I stayed at JP HRO, Sean Penns camp..This next trip will go with my 13 yr old daughter and a friend from Canada.. I'll look ya up on facebook.. If I can't find ya find me, Debby Mohr Castellese..