Monday, August 16, 2010

On Flight to PAP

On flight from MIA to PAP. My first observation off the bat: "sure are a lot of white people on this flight". lol. It has the feel of a field trip, of sorts. Each group is wearing choreographed shirts so that they are easily identifiable as a group. There is a large Asian church and aside from them, the flight is about 85% white.

So - what does that mean, exactly?

And I'm not asking this with an implied or suggested answer in my mind.

I ask because I come from the cynical side of life. I come from the side that says: for too long have "foreign influences" entered into an impoverished area with the gild of helping, but the intent on converting. So, I see this and ask myself: is this one of those instances? Am I traveling this distance to view this type of quid-pro-quo philanthropy first hand? And I ask myself that and honestly - -I can't come up with a definitive answer. I can argue for some of the people being here for true genuine reasons, but when we're speaking of such a large number of "foreign" it possible for all to insert themselves without asserting themselves? Then I look in the I apart of the "problem"? No Way! I'm one of the 'good guys'!...of course that is a non-bias self title, yes? lol

So, I present the concern. Now I start thinking of the retorts.

Here is one - with regard to "Evangelism" or: "Spreading the Good News", as a whole:
If not for people that do this actively, is it possible that you and I may be Pagan today? Or Jewish? Or Muslim? (Ok, you should know by now that i'm addressing this to my fellow Christians). What faith do you think you would be raised as, had it not been for preachers and ministries, etc? If Christianity had never made it through the struggles of persecutions following the Resurrection of Christ. With that said: How then, can we separate the importance of that ancient ministry and today's? I don't think we can. Does that make me want to go door-to-door on a 'recruiting mission'? No. However, it does give me pause when looking to knee-jerk reaction to those who do.

SECONDLY; With regard specifically to Haiti.
Although there are an enumerable amount of 'whites'/Christians/Non-Haitian people foming to this country to help...there is still so many places that are in need of help. So, I ask you this as we look to criticize this flood of 'foreigners':
If these people aren't filling the country to capacity and aren't the "good help" that we have in mind - then where is the 'good help' to fill the current urgent vacancies?? Are there simple not enough 'good help' in this world?---If these people aren't blocking the path of the 'good help', then where are they?? I pose that question to set up the next...If not for all these "white people" that even made me uncomfortable on this plane: who? This plane, as I write this, has empty seats on, if these people didn't come --- who?

So, again I catch myself asking more questions than providing answers. Because, this whole thing does still make me slightly uncomfortable, if I'm being totally honest with you. I want to go and help these people however they, or God, can use me. But I don't particularly wish to become a tool of door-to-door Evangelism as a quid-pr0-quo for my help.

So, I caught myself painting with a broad brush before I boarded this flight, but giving it more thought and consideration...perhaps it's not as easily generalizatioally (i know, not a word! lol) as it first seems.


Arriving in 1 hr. Will blog more tonight from the camp.

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